Obtaining a domain name
(Private - for Lynne's use only)
Home -> Management -> Domain names
present, anyone wanting to read this site has to put the address into their web browser. This is your so-called
"IP address", and it is always in numeric form.
If you want to have a more conventional textual domain name, there are two good options:
- You can get a free name by getting one from DynDNS.
(This will require a matching change to your modem/router settings, but
I can show you how to do that.) The catch is that the name is of a
restricted form: your URL will look something like
http://something.dyndns-remote.com, where "dyndns" is always part of
the name.
- You can buy a name of your own choice from a domain
name registrar. Prices vary, but the registrar that I use is cheap:
about $12/year. (The registration has to be renewed every couple of
years.) The only real restriction is that it can't be a name that
someone else already owns.
updated 13-Nov-2010