/*---------------------------------------------------------- Appends a build level to FTPD.EXE and SETUP.EXE. Author: Peter Moylan Last revised: 10 July 2011 Usage: bldlvl ver where ver is the version string ------------------------------------------------------------*/ parse arg ver projHost = "PJM2" timestamp = LEFT(DATE() TIME(),25)LEFT(projHost,10) signature0 = "@#Peter Moylan:"ver"#@##1## "timestamp"::EN:AU:::@@" outfile = "level.txt" "@DEL "outfile" 2> nul" CALL LINEOUT outfile, signature0||"FtpServer FTP daemon for OS/2 and eCS" CALL STREAM outfile,'C','CLOSE' "@copy ftpd.exe /B + level.txt ftpd.exe /B > nul" "@DEL "outfile CALL LINEOUT outfile, signature0||"Configuration of FtpServer daemon" CALL STREAM outfile,'C','CLOSE' "@copy setup.exe /B + level.txt setup.exe /B > nul" "@DEL "outfile exit